In Memory of the Dead Media Handbook (Installation: Milan, Italy) - Garnet Hertz, 2009
Format: Bookwork, installation, mail
Bookwork: Documentation of the book project, "A Collection of Many Problems (In Memory of the Dead Media Handbook)" can be found at It is meant as a visual introduction to media archaeology in the spirit of The Dead Media Project. 166 pages, 4.25" x 6.875" perfect binding, white interior paper (60# weight), black and white interior ink, white exterior paper (100# weight), full-color exterior ink, Telharmonium Press (Artist's Proof Edition 1, Build 200909232324) September 2009.
Background: The bookwork, "A Collection of Many Problems (In Memory of the Dead Media Handbook)" is on display on a podium in the center of the space. In the space there is
also a place for people to write notes and sketches on paper related to the topic of The Dead Media Handbook - a project proposed by author Bruce Sterling in 1995:
Installation Description: The space is surrounded by photographic prints (A3 format) of handling the book, which are indexed according to the Dead Media Project categorical listing of field notes. Printouts of Sterling's Dead Media Manifesto and the categorical listing of field notes are also displayed in the space.
Ten people that write a note or complete a sketch related to the concept of "The Dead Media Handbook" will receive a complimentary hand-modified copy of the book.
Location: Studio D'Ars, Via Sant'Agnese, 12/8 Milan 20123, Italy.
Spazio alternativo a cura della Fondazione D'Ars Oscar Signorini. E' stato fondato da Oscar Signorini nel 1975. Ha pareti bianche e pavimento di ardesia. E' in fondo a un giardino dove danno la loro ombra una vigna, un lauro, una grande pianta del Pane, un oleandro rosa. Misura 3,5 metri x 7 metri. Altezza: 3 volte a botte. Orari di visita: giornaliero dalle 17 alle 19. Marted“ e venerd“ dalle 10 alle 20. Venerd“ dalle 22 alle 24 (previo conferma telefonica) Tel 02 860290 /02 86450302
Participate: The public is encouraged to participate by sending their concepts of The Dead Media Handbook, media archaeology or obsolste media technologies to the artist c/o Telharmonium Press. Please send sketches, text, handwritten notes, cut-and-paste compositions, photos, etc. to:
Telharmonium Press
Box 1574
Hollywood, California
Submissions will be considered for addition in a future edition of the book.
Bookwork purchase: The bookwork project used in the exhibition is available for purchase at cost (at about $8 USD) for a limited time: